Did you know?

Are “Natural” and Low-glycaemic Sweeteners Healthful Alternatives to Sugar?
Common Cold and Flu Remedies
Nutritional Therapy
The Pleasure Trap
Prostate Cancer
Eating for Health
Cholesterol & Cancer
Animal Protein & Disease
Diabetes & Autoimmune Diseases
Coronary Heart Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Macular Degeneration & Cataracts
Dementia and Alzheimer’s
Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease
About Flu Vaccines and what are G-BOMBS?

2 Responses to Did you know?

  1. Zerin Knight says:

    Hi Paul, I’ve put this on my Facebook page; it’s a terrific list. Do you know of any research that refutes the argument that humans ‘were meant to eat meat’ and that we have evolved to do so?

    • Thanks Zerin. I only know of the relationship between the intake of animal protein and chronic health conditions as stated by Professor Campbell in his superbly researched “The China Study” and Dr Fuhrman in his “Eat to Live” book. There are of course many others who have come to the same conclusion but these are the ones I have read the most.

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